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Twilight Text Effect with Photoshop

In this tutorial photoshop text we will demonstrate how create the logo text effect seen on our Twilight Joomla template using Photoshop. This sleak effect has a wide range of applications giving your logo a cool and modern feel.

For this tutorial we are using Adobe Photoshop 3.

Start off by creating a new document 900px wide and 600px high. For this example in creating our background we have set our foreground color to #0E3562 and our background color to #162433. Using your Radial Gradient Tool set to 'Foreground to Background' drag a line from the centre top position to the centre bottom position.
Now on to creating our text. For this tutorial we have used the excellent Null Free font which is available to download here. Set your foreground color to white (#FFFFFF). Select the type tool and type out the word 'Twilight' (font size 140pt) or whatever word tickles your fancy.
Select your 'Background' layer and hit the new layer icon at the bottom of your layers palette to create a new layer. You can rename this layer to TextBack. Hold down your Command/CTRL key and click the 'T' icon on the text layer you have just created to load its selection.
Expand the selection by 15px (Select -> Modify -> Expand) followed by smoothing the selection by 4px (Select -> Modify -> Smooth).
Set your foreground color to #0E3560 and using the Paint Bucket Tool fill your selection.
Hit the D key to set your colors to default (Black/White) and go to Filters -> Noise -> Add Noise. Applying the filter as follows.
Deselect (Command/CTRL + D) and go to Layer -> Layer Style -> Blending Options and set them as follows.
Hit the new layer icon at the bottom of your layers palette to create a new layer. Rename this layer to Text. Hold down your Command/CTRL key and click the 'T' icon on the text layer to load its selection.  
Set the foreground color to white (#FFFFFF) and go to Edit -> Fill and fill the selection using the foreground color.
Next we are going to extend the areas of the text you want to wrap around the edge of your TextBack. What sections you choose is down to personal taste. I've marked the areas we are going to extend in red in the screenshot below.
Zoom into the area you wish to extend and using the Rectangular Marquee Tool select the section of the text you wish to extended. Hold down the Command/CTRL + ALT key together and by using the arrows keys extend the text 2px over the edge of your TextBack layer.
Repeat the process for each of the sections you wish to extend until you are left with something like this.
Now duplicate this layer (Text) twice calling them GradHoriz and GradVert. Set both these layers to Multiply.
Hit the 'D' key to set your colors to default (Black/White). Select the GradHoriz layer and go to Layer -> Layer Style -> Gradient Overlay and set as follows.
Edit the gradient dragging the white right over until it covers the majority of the text. You want the gradient just over any extended horizontal edges of your text. To add the gradient to single side of your text set your Gradient Style to Linear. The end result should look something this..
Select the GradVert layer and go to Layer -> Layer Style -> Gradient Overlay and set as follows.
Again drag the white right over until it covers the majority of the text. You want the gradient just over the vertical extreme edges of the text.
You might find some areas of your text has some unwanted gradient. These bits you can simply delete using the Rectangular Marquee Tool on the offending layer.
Lastly select your Text layer and apply the following styles.
For the Gradient Overlay we used #000000 to #CFCFCF
For the Stroke Gradient we used #A7ACB2 to #FFFFFF
And your finished!!
If you wish to export your image to your Twilight Joomla51 template disable the background layer and select all (Command/CTRL + A). Click on any of the visible layer, go to Edit -> Copy Merged. Create a new document (Command/CTRL + N) using the copied dimensions. Paste in your text (Command/CTRL + V) and disable the background layer. Resize to 80px in height constraining proportions and export to PNG (logo.png).


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