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Create a Rock Text Effect using Photoshop CS5

Learn how to use built-in layer styles to create a nice rock text effect. We will take a black text, add a texture to it, and apply different layer styles to obtain a real rock look lettering in just few easy steps.

Open Photoshop CS5 and create a New Document (New > File). Give it a size of 600px by 300px.
Select the Type Tool (T) and type out any word. I typed the word ROCK using a font called Stencil Std of 200pt.
Step One
Go to Layer > Rasterize > Type to rasterize your text layer.
Go online and download a rock texture.
I downloaded the following smooth rock texture from www.cgtextures.com:
Step Two A
Save the texture in your computer, go back to your Photoshop CS5 file and go to File > Place. Notice that a New Layer was created for your texture.
Reposition your rock texture over the entire text.
Step Two B
Select the Move Tool (V) and click Apply.
Hide the “texture” layer by clicking its eye icon (Visible Layer Icon). Go back to the layer with the word, in my case the “ROCK” layer, and select the Magic Wand Tool (W) and select the entire word like shown below:
Step Three A
Note: Press the Shift key to select multiple shapes.
Go back to the “texture” layer and make it visible by clicking the box where the eye icon was. As you can see, our selection is on this layer; let’s invert it by going to Select > Inverse.
Before editing the texture we need to rasterize it; go to Image > Rasterize > Smart Object.
Now that our texture is editable press the Delete key to erase the selected area.
You should obtain the following:
Step Three B
Press (Mac: Command + D / PC: Control + D) to deselect it.
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Double-click the “texture” layer to open the Layer Style dialog box.
Select the Bevel and Emboss option and enter the following settings:
Step Four A
DON’T click OK.
Now select the Contour (below Bevel and Emboss) option and enter 0 for its Range:
Step Four B
DON’T click OK.
To conclude with this step, select the Drop Shadow and Inner Shadow options and leave their settings as they appear.
Step Four C
Click OK.
Final result:
Final Result
As you learned, this text effect was a result of Layer Styles options. The main text is a selection of a texture; the combination of Layer Styles is what makes this text spectacular and unique. Experiment with more textures to create more awesome text effects. Have fun!
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Glossy Candy Text Effect

This tutorial photoshop text will help you create an awesome glossy candy text effect in a simple way.
The Final Result:
* the software used in this tutorial is Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
* the size of the final result image is 2000 * 1500
* you might want to check the Basix Page to see some useful topics on dealing with Photoshop basics, such as loading palettes and some shortcuts.
Step 1:
Start by filling the Background with the color #724c21.
Then, create the text using the color #ee9b0f. Very thin fonts do not suit this effect, so make sure to pick a pretty bold font. The font used here is “Fontleroy Brown NF” and the size is 1000px.
Duplicate your text layer, and make the copy invisible (by clicking on the eye icon next to it).
Candy TE step 1
Step 2:
Double click on the original (visible) text layer, and apply the following styles:
- A Drop Shadow using the color #71511b.
Candy TE step 2 - Drop Shadow
- An Inner Shadow, using the color #ffa508. Change the Distance to 0, and the Size to 32px.
Candy TE step 2 - Inner Shadow
- Bevel and Emboss. Change the Size to 29px, the Softness to 16px, and use the color #ef9508 for the Shadow Mode.
Candy TE step 2 - Bevel and Emboss
- Finally, apply Satin, change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge, the color to #705737, and the Contour to Cone – Inverted.
Candy TE step 2 - Satin
Step 3:
Ctrl + Click on the original text layer thumbnail to create a selection.
Candy TE step 3 - 1
Create a new layer above the text layer and rename it to “Noise”. Fill the selection with the original text color #ee9b0f and make sure that its the Foreground color as well, and set the Background color to White. Then go to Filte -> Noise -> Add Noise. Change the Amount to 150 %, make sure that the Distribution is Gaussian, and check the Monochromatic box.
Candy TE step 3 - 2
Step 4:
With the “Noise” layer still active, zoom in (Ctrl + ‘+’) until you are able to see the pixels. Grab the Magic Wand Tool, remove the check next to Contiguous on the options bar (this will let all the pixels of the same color range be selected, whether they are adjacent or not), and select the darkest pixel or group of pixels. Then, hit Delete.
Candy TE step 4 - 1
Change the “Noise” layer Blend Mode to Soft Light, and the Fill value to 50 %.
Candy TE step 4 - 2
Step 5:
- We’ll create the lines right now. So create a new documents that is 110 by 50 px, and set the Background Contents to Transparent, so that you’ll be able to see the pixels.
Candy TE step 5 - 1
- Draw a rectangle using the Rectangle Marquee Tool. You can display the Info palette form the Window menu to help you make sure that the rectangle width is 50 px.
Place the rectangle (or the square) at the center of the layer, then fill it with the color #e8641b.
Candy TE step 5 - 2
- Remove the selection (press Ctrl + D), and go to Edit -> Define Pattern and type in the name of the pattern.
Candy TE step 5 - 3
Step 6:
Go back to the original document, and create a new layer on top of the “Noise” layer. Call it “Lines”.
With the Paint Bucket Tool Selected, change the fill type to Pattern, and choose the one you’ve just created.
Fill the “Lines” layer with the pattern.
Candy TE step 6
Step 7:
Go to Edit -> Transform -> Rotate or press Ctrl + T to rotate the lines until you think the result is good. Hit Enter to confirm.
Then, Ctrl + Click again on the original text layer thumbnail (or icon) to create a selection. Make sure the “Lines” layer is active (selected), go to Select -> Inverse, and hit Delete.
Press Ctrl+D to remove the selection.
Candy TE step 7
Step 8:
Double click on the “Lines” layer to apply the following styles:
- Add an Inner Shadow. Change the color to #ba8c73, and the Distance and Size values to 4px.
Candy TE step 8_Inner Shadow
- Add Bevel and Emboss. Change the Style to Pillow Emboss, the Size to 3px, the Soften value to 1px, and the Shadow Mode color to #ba8c73.
Candy TE step 8_Bevel and Emboss
- Finally, add Satin. Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the color to #fff8ad, and the Contour to Shallow Slope – Valley.
(*Note: If you can’t find these contours, check out how to get them here.)
Candy TE step 8_Satin
You’ll end up with something like this:
Candy TE step 8_result
Step 9:
Now, we need to go back to the duplicated text layer we created back in Step 1, and make it visible once again.
Change its Fill value to 0, and double click to apply the following styles:
- Bevel and Emboss. Change the Depth to 450, the Size to 10, remove the check next to Use Global Light, and change the Angle to 100, and the Altitude to 30, use Log for the Gloss Contour, and assign 0 for the Opacity value of the Shadow Mode.
Candy TE step 9_Bevel and Emboss
- As for the Contour just check the Anti Alias box.
Candy TE step 9_Contour
Step 10:
Add a layer above the “Background” layer, set the Forground color to Black, and with the Gradient Tool, choose the Foreground to Transparent fill, click on the Radial Gradient icon, and check the Reverse box.
Starting from the center of the layer, click and drag to one of its corners to create the gradient fill. Change the Blend Mode of the layer to Soft Light.
Candy TE step 10
And this is the final result once again.
Hope you enjoyed the tutorial.
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Creating the HEROES poster in Photoshop

Note: This tutorial photoshop text has been carried out in Adobe Photoshop CS5. Before you continue, make sure you are familiar with the Smudge Tool and other basic tools in Photoshop. Due to copyright reasons, I have changed the “H” in HEROES to “Z”.

Final Result:
1)  Open a new document with the following settings:
2)  Select the Gradient Tool. Open the Gradient Editor and use #252e38, #000000, and #232b34, respectively:
3)  Drag a vertical line on the document stretching from the top to bottom, to form the background:
4)  Create a new Group and rename it as Text.
5)  Select the Text Tool and make the following changes to the Character Settings:
6)  Left-click the document and type “HER”. Duplicate the text layer. Select the original layer, right-click, and choose Rasterize Type.
7)  With the original layer still selected, go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. Make the following changes and click OK.
Your image should look like this by now:
8)  Repeat Step 5 and Step 6 but this time type “ES” instead of “HER”.
9)  Align the text layers horizontally; leaving a little space between them for the “O” that we are going to create next.
10)  Create a new Group and rename it as Circle. All of the subsequent layers that we are now going to create should be placed under this group.
11)  Open a new layer.
12)  Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool. Hold down the SHIFT key, left-click, and drag the mouse to create a circle. Fill (SHIFT+F5) this selection with Black.
13)  Place this circle between the two texts.
14)  Open Layer Style for the current layer and make the following changes:
The Color of Glow has been set to #fbe5c5.
15)  Select the Smudge Tool and make the following changes in the Tool Options Bar:
16)  Open a new layer.
17)  Apply the Smudge Tool on the boundaries of the circle to give it a cloudy effect.
18)  Open Layer Style for the current layer and make the following changes:
The Gradient Color has been set to #f89e4e.
19)  Open a new layer. In the Layers Panel, place this layer below the layer you created in Step 11.
20)  Select the Brush Tool and make the following changes in the Tool Options Bar:
Make sure the Hardness has been set to 0%.
21)  Left-click on the center of the circle. You will not be able to see the effect of this step because it is happening beneath the Circle.
22)  Go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur, make the following changes and click OK:
23)  Open Layer Style for the current layer and make the following changes:
The Color of Glow has been set to #fece66.
24)  Press CTRL+T to rotate the radial lines and place them as shown in the image below:
25)  Open a new layer. Make sure this layer is above the layer you created in Step 11.
26)  Select the Gradient Tool and make the following changes in the Tool Options Bar:
27)  Draw a small vertical line amongst the radial lines using the Gradient Tool.
28)  Press CTRL+T and transform the shape into one similar to an oval.
29)  Open Layer Style for the current layer and make the following changes:
30)  Duplicate the current layer.
31)  Open Layer Style for the current layer and make the following changes:
The Color of Glow has been set to #f87206. Your circle should look like this by now:
That’s it, babe. Final Result:
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